Should You Install a Basketball Hoop on a Sloped Driveway?
Posted by admin on Oct 27th 2021
My driveway has a slope, can I install an in-ground basketball hoop?
Obviously a flat court surface is best. True basketball court surfaces do not have slope to them. Many customers ask if they should install a basketball hoop next to their sloped driveway. This is not normally a problem. While practicing on a perfectly installed rim at exact 10’ height is best, A small 1/2” to 1 1/2” deviation will not ruin your game. Many players and spectators don’t realize this but 90 percent of rims installed even on game goals used in high schools are not installed perfectly at 10’. Practicing on a slope will still give the player the desired benefit from practice time. The hand eye coordination is improved regardless of the rim height. However, if the slope exceeds 3” deviation, you should consider a roof mounted option or a dedicated court in the backyard.